Computers that aren’t computers

Me: “I think I’m done buying computers that I can’t run my own code on.”
Friend: “Just think of the iPad as being a pile of books. You can’t run your code on those either.”
Me: “Thinking of a computer as being a pile of books is like thinking of a guitar as being Abbey Road by the Beatles.”


  1. You just wait ’til iPad gets verbed. “Yeah, i was iPadding all night”. Then you’ll be singing a different tune (probably something off of Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band).

  2. hmm. No TV, DVD players, wrist watches, cars, kitchen appliances, central heating, radio, clocks, electric musical instruments, telephone, digital electricity and gas meters…

    And definitely no slick portable webbrowsers!

    Relax – 95% of apple hardware is open source anyway. Webkit+freebsd… And apple give back stuff.

  3. “Relax – 95% of apple hardware is open source anyway. Webkit+freebsd… And apple give back stuff.”

    True – take LLVM for another example – Apple have been pumping funds into it and Clang for years (since they use it as part of their IDE for static analysis, and eventually it will release GCC as the default compiler on OS X).

  4. Thanks for saying it so nicely.

    I think that the essential point here is not about open source but about having platforms for selling content or general-purpose machines.

    And if the iPad is a toy that you can only play with the way Apple wants you to play, it is rather useless and extremely expensive for me (I’d rather use TouchBook instead).

  5. “You just wait ’til iPad gets verbed.”

    What do you think it will mean?

    Man, I really got iPadded last night. I couldn’t stop vomiting until noon.

    Sakharov really got iPadded when he protested against the invasion of Afghanistan; he was under virtual house arrest and couldn’t see his friends or any foreigners for six years.

    Shit, my computer’s been iPadded. I knew I shouldn’t have downloaded that cracked copy of Crysis. Now I have to reinstall.

    I don’t know, I think we should hold a competition for the best definition for “iPad.”


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